[Evolution] Re: Contact Strangeness with 200107052054

On 05 Jul 2001 20:36:39 -0700, Dan Berger wrote:
Before I file a bug - has anyone else experienced this?

I can access my contact list from the compose window - both
auto-complete and pressing the "To"/"Cc"/"Bcc" buttons work.

However if I select the Contacts shortcut in the nav bar - no contact
entries are displayed.

So a little more experimentation reveals the following:

$ killev ; oaf-slay ; evolution
// the contacts appear correctly
// exit evolution
$ evolution
// contacts are "gone" from display, but the composer buttons work
$ killev; evolution
// contacts still gone
$ oaf-slay ; evolution
// contacts are back

anyone else have this sort of problem?  I'm going to write it up since
it seems reproducible.

   Dan Berger [dberger ix netcom com]
   Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

   "If you can't explain it to an 8-year-old, you don't understand it"
                                        --Albert Einstein
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