Re: [Evolution] "Move to" folder selection dialog

Duncan Mak wrote:

On 24 Jan 2001 15:53:28 +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
Could the tree structure in the "Move Message To Folder" dialog reflect
the structure of the folder list in the main view? Either that, or hurry
up and get drag-and-drop message moving/copying done!  :-)

How does it not reflect the folder list currently? From all I can see,
it reflects that folderlist exactly.
Whether or not the folderlist as it is now is useful or now, that's
another matter.

It does reflect the sources, but does not reflect the tree structure
displayed.  As I use IMAP mail exclusivly, I close "Other Contacts" and
"Local Folders" so they take up little screen space.  However, when I
press "Move Message To Folder" the folder list has the local folders
open, which means I have to scroll past them every time.

Ross Burton

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