Re: [Evolution] evolution-0.8-100_helix_2001011806 -> Crashes.

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 tony lindstrom tekla fi wrote:

Just downloaded the latest snapshot and it crashes with 
a segmentation fault before it even get started.

I triend killev and oaf-slay, restarted. Same thing.

Tried to mv evolution evoulution.bak, killev, oaf-slay,
same thing.

I have all the latest helix-updates.

Anybody else?
Yep. Just have to hope a new snapshot becomes available soon...

MvH Janne                  Mr. Janne More´n 
(jan moren lucs lu se)     Dept. of Cognitive Science 
Work: 046-222 8588         Kungshuset, Lundagård
Fax : 046-222 9758         S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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