Re: [Evolution] Evolution-mail segfaults when trying to get mail

What happened was I totally rewrote the config code, it uses new dialogs
and a whole new file format. You shouldn't need to rm -rf ~/evolution.

The reason for the crashing may be because you are running code from
anoncvs which is way lagged.

That appears to be the problem.  The latest Changelog is 1/7,
where I see that you made a bunch of changes, but LXR shows a
bunch of changes on 1/8 and 1/9.  None of the anoncvs mirrors
seem to have picked them up.  I guess I'll have to wait (ugh!
this always happens on days where I get tons of mail).



On 10 Jan 2001 04:13:50 +0000,  wrote:

If you have post-new-config-thing code, you probably need to go into
"Mail Configuration" and redo your source/transport in the new config

I can't even get into the Mail Configuration dialog, because Evo
crashes when I selected.  I guess I'll have to remove some files
from ~/evolution and start it over...  But this isn't very nice
behavior if a config option changed...


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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