[Evolution] Evolution, Suse (7.0), and those dratted pilot conduits....

Hi all,

First up, great job guys. I have not been looking for long, but I like what I see....

Second, about 4-5 days ago (on the 4th of Jan 2001), there was a short thread about the pilot conduits, and the following message:

libgpilotdcm-WARNING **: Unknown conduit, name="e_address_conduit"
zsh: 3971 abort (core dumped)  e-address-conduit-control-applet

The conclusion was that there was a packaging problem which the maintainers were aware of, and they were attempting to resolve it. OK, so far so good....

I got my evolution packages for SuSE 7.0 (actually 6.4, but they work for 7.0) today, and the packages were dated "Jan 8 19:58". The pilot conduits are still not included however.

My question then is, Is there an expected timeframe for the new rebundled packages to be built/released? Although I could pull the source and build from there, that would severely delay my opportunity to try evolution out, due to time constraints on my behalf.

Also, as a side note, the update.xml does not include GConf as a required package, and I had to go in via FTP to get it.

Thanks in advance for any information,

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