Re: [Evolution] Evo 0.8 crashes on trying to display message

Send it to danw helixcode com, he can send it to the appropriate person
depending on the nature of the bug ;-)


On 31 Dec 2000 15:06:12 -0500, Mike Leone wrote:
I've got an email that consistently crashes 0.8, any time I click on it
to display it.
I've cut it out of the "mbox" file using a text editor. Who should I
send it to for debugging purposes?

Michael J. Leone <mailto:turgon mike-leone com>
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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