[Evolution] UPDATE: Setting status to "read" not working in filters ...

Greetings all! 

I just discovered that upon setting up a filter to 1) move the message
to a folder, 2) set status to "read" and 3) stop processing and after
saving said filter, upon re-editing this filter, the second action is
now "set status to replied to". Is this a known bug?


On 26 Dec 2000 12:25:02 -0500, Peter Pavlovich wrote:
Firstly, a couple of preliminary comments ...

Evolution is the best thing to happen to the Linux community! Thank you
everyone for producing such a wonderful product. This may just be the
"killer app" everyone has been hoping for. It'll definitely make Bill
sit up and notice!

I'm now using Evolution 0.8 as my only mail program with over 200 emails
a day.

I've really only noted two things. I hope that they've not been
mentioned before. If so, please excuse my new-ness on this list.

1. When constructing a filter, I typically select based on the sender
(or recipiant) then choose two actions. The first is always a "move to
folder" the second is always a "set status to" with "read" as the value.

This does not seem to work. The messages get moved, but remain in an
"unread" status. This is more of a pain than a show stopper though.

2. When expunging a folder I'll get a mail crashed message and have to
restart Evolution to continue. I cannot seem to get this to recurr
consistently, but it does happen more than occasionally.

Thanks again for all your diligent, hard work. Best of the holiday
season to one and all.

Peter Pavlovich
ppavlovich earthlink net

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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