Re: [Evolution] changelogs for snapshots?

On 24 Feb 2001 15:16:12 -0500, Fernando Pereira wrote:
When you create a snapshot, do you put the associated changelogs
somewhere? It would be good to be able to look at the changelogs to see
whether previously reported problems were addressed in the snapshot, for
two reasons: 1) not report again problems that are still open; 2) test
to see if a fix for a previously reported problem does the job.
Alternatively, a way of correlating snapshots to file versions and
bugzilla states might help. Or some other way for us non-developers to
provide useful bug reports and tracking the state of the project. Just

We also think this is a good idea. I'll be working on an Evolution
status page this week or so, so if you have any comments or ideas on
what to put in, please let me know.

Currently, the concept to is to 'emulate' parts of MozillaZine. So I
hope do add a buildbar and daily commentaries (similar to your ChangeLog
idea) to the page.

Duncan Mak                                         Apprentice Monkey
= duncan ximian com - duncan simplemente net - =

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