[Evolution] Re: [discuss] OO - GROUPWARE - Call for concluison - was: OpenOffice: Say it isn't so.

Lloyd Llewellyn wrote:

I think it would be ignored outside the OO community.  It would carry
more weight if we could say "Here is a real address book implementation.
And by the way, not only does OO support it, but so does Evolution; and
Balsa and a couple other e-mail packages have endorsed the standard and
will support it in their next release."

OK.  Granted that, how do we get there?  OOo is/has a community, ditto Evo,
ditto several others.  And don't forget the iCard/vCard stuff.  But where do they
all talk with each other to arrive at the desired consensus?
David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate.  Public Key at:
"Don't buy or use crappy software"
"By the grace of God I am a Christian man,
 by my actions a great sinner" -- The Way of a Pilgrim [R. M. French, tr.]

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