Re: [Evolution] Re: [Galeon-user] Regular total lockups with 1.0.1 (and earlier)

I've noticed a freeze that maybe related to USB either that or I have a
faulty MB.  Athalon 900, ASUS board, 2.4.16 kernel.  Only under heavy
load ie: ripping a dvd.

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 13:18, Rick Ziegler wrote:
My fathers machine does have a SB Live!.
Is another common denominator finally emerging for these freezes?

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 15:50, Christian Rose wrote:
tor 2001-12-20 klockan 20.00 skrev Victor Putz:
Quite regularly, when browsing with Galeon, my system will simply freeze
and become completely unresponsive; no mouse movement, no keyboard motion.
It will ignore attempts to switch to different TTY console windows, will
shrug aside control-alt-delete, and even disregards attempts to telnet
from my wife's computer in the next room (even with X and the console
completely frozen, I've almost always been able to telnet in from next
door and shut down properly).

The only thing which recovers the system is the hardware reset button or a
power-down.  Luckily I'm running RH7.2 with ext3fs, so a reboot isn't very
traumatic, but it disturbs me quite a bit.

Any ideas on what the problem could be?  I'm using the Galeon 1.0.1 rpm
for RHL, the mozilla 0.9.6 packages, and the prebuilt 2.4.9-13 kernel rpm.
The system is quite solid otherwise and I can leave it running for days
until I surf the web.  Galeon options have Java/Flash off, Javascript
disabled, popups off.
Do you have a SoundBlaster Live! card in your system? Try removing it
and replace it with another sound card. That solved my problems; before
the machine froze completely at least once a day, now I haven't had a
single problem since, and more than 31 days of uptime.

Also, you could try unsetting "Gnome sound events" in the control center
to see if it helps.


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Richard Ziegler
Release Engineer / ClearCase Administrator
(617) 503-0442
CertCo, Inc.   

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
George Farris - VE7FRG
George gmsys com

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