Re: [Evolution] LDAP address auto-complete...more...

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 09:12, Sean M Alderman wrote:
Is it possible to auto-complete addresses from first the ldap source and
then from the contacts folder source?  After editing the
~/evolution/config.xmldb I'm still getting my contacts searched first.

As things stand, matching contacts from your local contact list will
always be at the top of the list.

The reason why is that the matches appear in the drop-down based on how
often you send them mail: people who are more frequently mailed will
appear first.  We track this information for local contacts but not for
LDAP contacts, so the LDAP contacts always end up at the end.

Right now, our support for LDAP completion is pretty thin.  We are
hoping to improve it for Evolution 1.2.


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