[Evolution] pilot-related questions

A few pilot-related questions have I....  

The "Custom" fields on the Palm....  These don't get mapped to anything
in evolution, I understand.  However, I had much data in these fields
and after syncing with evolution (copy from first, then synchronize),
all the data in my custom pilot fields were gone.  Slightly
annoying/borderline-"superbly irritating if I hadn't just backed up my
Palm Pilot first".  Is this a known annoyance, praytell?  =:)

Second, the alarm/reminder that is used on the palm is not the same as
is used in evolution.  I mean, if I set an alarm on a calendar item on
my palm and then sync, the calendar item makes it over just fine,
although it's without the alarm.  Similarly, if I add an appointment in
evolution with a reminder set, and then sync up with my palm, the alarm
field is not set on my pilot. Does anyone know--is this a known feature
or is this planned for a soon-to-be-released release?  =:)

Third and having to do with contacts...  If I mark a record "private" in
my Palm Pilot and sync up with evolution, then later change anything in
the record from evolution and sync with my Pilot again, the record now
has had the "private" indicator taken off from it.  This is a smidge
annoying, as it sort of defeats the purpose of having "private" records
in one's Pilot.  

I know that mostly all that one sees on these lists are complaints, and
I realize that this would appear to be yet another of that variety, but
honestly, AWESOME job to the evolution team!!  It's not perfect yet, but
you guys have given a superb product to X!!!  Oh, and any word on the
above items?  =:D

Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
Numbers 6:24-26

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