[Evolution] maildir questions

First maildir question: $HOME/Maildir/ is a maildir (has new/, cur/,
tmp/) and it also has other directories, which are maildirs themselves
(personal/{new,cur,tmp}), as well as directories which contain maildir
directories (code/evolution/{new,cur,tmp}, code/php/{new,cur,tmp}). 
Mutt has no problems with this, nor does balsa.  Evolution handles it
all fine, it seems, but it displays the root of the directory as '.'. 
Am I doing something wrong here, or is there any way to make that

I believe that the courier IMAP naming convention for nested maildir
folders/subfolders is as follows... 


I originally thought that this would be the "correct" way to do this,
but evolution views this exactly as above, not
"Maildir/subdirectory/subdirectory2/subdirectory3", etc.  So, again,
what is the "proper" and correct way to go about doing nested maildir

Second maildir question: I have pop-perl5 snarfing my mail for me and
handing it off to procmail, which puts it in $HOME/Maildir/newmail/. 
Since newmail is underneath the maildir root (not top level), evolution
doesn't see when new mail has arrived.  What is the answer for that
there conundrum? How can I tell evolution to check for mail in that
nested maildir, and to then apply my evolution filters to what it finds,
putting everything that doesn't match a filter into the "Inbox" for this
account?  And for this account, I do have "automatically check for new
mail every 1 minutes" and "apply filters to new messages in INBOX" both

Thanks very much for your help....

Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
Numbers 6:24-26

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