[no subject]

I did nothing to terminate this imap process ... I assumed that xinetd
terminated it after 240 seconds of idle time. These are the server log
messages that I got from the last failed attempt to get an imaps

+-| HOME |------| Warren G. Anderson |-------------------| WORK |-+
| 1360 Bluewing Circle   | The University of Texas at Brownsville |
| Brownsville, TX, 78520 | 80 Fort Brown, Brownville TX, 78520    |
| PHONE: (956) 350-0968  | PHONE: (956) 574-6746                  |
| CELL : (956) 499-6447  | FAX  : (956) 574-6726                  |
 | EMAIL: wganderson utb edu | WWW: http://dirac.utb.edu/~warren |

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