[Evolution] Bug Day- irc.gnome.org, #evobugs

Evolution Bug Day is again tomorrow on irc.gnome.org, #evobugs. We're
pushing towards 1.0 and need help to make sure the devels are seeing all
the important bugs and only the important bugs.

In a nutshell: we continue to see a backlog of unconfirmed/untriaged
bugs, and we need all the help we can get looking through them and
finding the ones that are important for 1.0 and the ones that are just
duplicates. Several people have been very helpful over the last couple
of bug days, but it just hasn't been enough. The more support we can
get, the better off the devels will be. Thanks, and see you in channel

Luis Villa
Ximian Bugmaster
"Quality is an amazing bridge because it is universal in its language."
Thomas Corcoran

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