Re: [Evolution] Problem building Evolution from source (gnome-pilot)

Everythings working now and I can now sync with my visor!! Although
gnome-pilot-0.1.61-1 seem a little buggy and sometimes hangs when
finding Identity.

On Tue, 2001-08-21 at 10:21, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
On Tue, 2001-08-21 at 18:22, Jose R. Bucud wrote:
    > > 
    > yes, for some reason, it's running aclocal without parameters, when it
    > should be running "aclocal -I macros" to include all the macros that are
    > in the gnome-pilot/macros directory.
    > So, just "export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /root/gnome-pilot/macros"" and rerun
    > This should work.
    > cheers

Thanks. Its seems that I'm getting a little futher but now its looks as
if there's another snag in the process. I guess I can mess
around with it more when I get off work.

One question though (sorry if I about to sound stupid). When the
instructions for pilot-link or gnome-pilot wants you to type in the
"link-prefix" (ie ./ --prefix=<gnome-pilot-prefix>) does it
mean the directory where you downloaded the cvs or the downloaded cvs'c

you should use the directory where you're going to install the sources,
not where the sources are. So, for example, if you want to install
everything in /opt/evolution, you must use --prefix=/opt/evolution for
ALL the source modules

ok, now it ran correctly the aclocal command (with the -I macros parameter) :-). So,
unset ACLOCAL_FLAGS and rerun


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