Re: [Evolution] /var/spool/mail/mns

Lockfiles should be made in /var/spool/mail/mialbox.lock or something

For this to happen, the program that's checking the mail typically needs
to be installed suid mail in order to have write access to the spool
directory.  This is the way lockfiles haveworked in other mail programs I
have used.  Maybe the Ximian people can prove or disprove this idea.


On 9 Aug 2001, Martin [ISO-8859-1] Skjöldebrand wrote:

I'm getting the error

Could not lock /var/spool/mail/mns

when trying to retrieve mail from that mailbox. So I chmod'd it as so

chmod 1777 mns (in FAQ)

but the problem remains.Any suggestions?


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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