[Evolution] should i file these 2 contact list bugs?

i've found 2 bugs in the contact list stuff. they are as follows:

1. the "hide addresses when sending mail to this list" doesn't seem to
do anything. maybe i don't understand the functionality? i can see all
the recipients whether or not that box is checked.

2. if, in the "Contacts" view, i try to send a message to a contact list
(by either right clicking on the entry and choosing "send message to
contact" -OR- by highlighting the contact and choosing "send message to
contact" from the "Actions" menu) the compose window pops up with a
bunch of XML in the "To" field. for example, if my list contains the
foo0 bar com
foo1 bar com
foo2 bar com
with the alias: "my emails"
the "To" field will contain:
my emails <<?xml version="1.0"?><destination
html_mail="no"><email>foo0 bar com</email></destination>>

should i file either of these? is more info needed?

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