[Evolution] OAF/Evolution


I seem to get an error saying in need to set the OAF_INFO_PATH, and I did I
installed all the required libraries in --prefix=/usr and installed evolution in
the default prefix /usr/local .. I set the OAF_INFO_PATH to /usr/local/share/oaf 
and I still get the error I aloso set the GNOME_PATH and ACLOCAL_FLAGS to what
the readme file said to.  Here is the exact erorr from the console when running

Trying dir /usr/share/oaf

evolution-shell-ERROR **: Could not activate component
OAFIID:evolution-shell-component:evolution-mail:d3cb3ed6-a654-4337-8aa0-f443751d6d1b. (Maybe you need to
set the OAF_INFO_PAHT?)

What is casuing the problem? would I need to install evolution in to
--prefix/usr as well? and if so do I have to make it all over again considering it took a
very long time to compile evolution.

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