[Evolution] Some features


here are some features I?m actually missing in evo .6:

1.      Repeatedly (and separate configurable) checking of postboxes.
2.      Notifying new Messages with Message box, sound. Should also be
3.      Marking new messages in the tree view with bold font (and/or other color)
and number of new messages (like Outlook does).
4.      Configurable automatic expunge of folders e.g. at leaving folder, evo or
moving items.
5.      Drag 'n Drop moving/copying of items
6.      Modifying of incoming mail.
6.      Viewing mail source or mail header source.

So, that?s it for now. Hope it isn't too much and comments are welcome ;-)

Thomas Vollmer

Email: TVollmer gmx net

For public security keys (PGP, X.509 S/MIME) sent Email with "GetKey" in the
Subject. Signed/Encrypted Email is desired

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