Re: [Evolution] one request or two

Mr. Tersteeg:
  Feature requests can come right here, and we'll have a look at them. 
Thanks for your input!  We'll certainly take it into consideration.  #1
will probably become an option in the near future, 2 should be available

Bugzilla is another option for feature requests, right?

by the next release, and 3 is something we'll have to consider.

No, this is a bug.  see

BTW, since we're not supposed to be using for evolution
anymore, can it be fixed so that there isn't an option to put evolution
bugs there?  I'm not entirely sure why nobody can use  


"Charles R. Tersteeg" wrote:

1.  I'd like evolution to not say "There is no new mail at pop://whatnot mail server com "

2.  I'd like evolution to check for mail say every 10 mins?  or am I asking too much?

3.  a side note:  new mail is downloaded and first message is marked as read even though I have not read 
it or even looked in the folder where the filter put it.

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