Re: [Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] evolution feature/behaviour request

-hackers isn't really the right forum for feature requests, but
no matter.
CC list pruned!


- can the state of the folder tree (which branches are
expanded/contracted) be remembered over sessions?. Same applies to the
folder tree which appears when you go to move or copy a message.

It is.  Or at least, it should be.  That feature was added
a while ago, and should appear in 0.6.

In the current cvs evolution-0-6-branch the state of the tree is not
remembered if you exit the program and then restart it. At least that is
the behaviour when compiled on my system.

Mine works (0-6 branch from anonCVS), sometimes.  If I have a component
bomb (especially mail or shell), then the tree view is hosed, along with
the rest of the "saved" settings.  I haven't been able to find any good
rhyme and reason to the way it breaks, so no bug reports on it yet.


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