Re: [Evolution] Packaged .6


That's exactly what we meant. Thanks for clearing that up for us.


I still do not believe that this person was asking for binaries, I think he
was saying now that it's in feature freeze, when is the projected release
(package) date.

Gregory Leblanc wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Garff [mailto:egarff mycomputer com]

Gregory Leblanc wrote:

What are you talking about?  Nobody has announced Evolution
0.6 to the lists
yet, why would it be packaged?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce P. Morin [mailto:bpmorin safepointetech com]

Do we have a target date yet as to when Evolution .6 will be
available in package format?
This was the email sent out on Monday:

Hello dudes,

since a lot of changes have gone in since 0.5 and we want 0.6 to be
stable enough to be usable, we are feauture-freezing Evolution on CVS
so that we can go through some testing before packaging 0.6.

  So, if you want to help with this pre-0.6 testing and you are
installing Evolution from CVS, please check out the following

  - for gal, gal-0-02-branch

  - for evolution, evolution-0-6-branch

  - for gtkhtml, kill-showstoppers-for-0-7

  These branches will only accept bug fixes, and no new features.  All
the bug fixes should be committed both to these branches and HEAD.

  We appreciate bug reports either on the mailing lists or on the bug
tracking system.  With your help, we can make sure 0.6 is stable and
usable for everyone.  The purpose is to make this the most stable
Evolution release ever.

  Thanks a lot, and happy testing!


Eric Garff
Right, as I said, "What are you talking about?"  Evolution 0.6 has NOT BEEN
RELEASED.  Crimey, if you're that eager for it, get it from CVS, otherwise,
wait until a day or two after the official announcement of the RELEASE of
0.6 is made for binary packages to show up.

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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