Re: [Evolution] Evolution "Prokaryote" 0.0 has been released

on 5/10/00 7:23 PM, Miguel de Icaza at miguel helixcode com wrote:

To compile Evolution you need the latest and greatest development
libraries that the GNOME team has produced.  These packages are
available at, or you can pick
the original files from the official GNOME site.

The README in the package includes the order in which you have to
compile this, but it goes like this: XML, ORBit, libunicode,
gdk-pixbuf, gnome-print, bonobo, gtk-html, gnome-vfs and finally
evolution itself.

Hrm, so if I have the helix rpms installed, I should remove them and install
from source?  

But I have to say this is great news for those of us who were having compile
problems.  I tried bonobo out first and sure enough ./configure;make worked
like a charm.  Can't wait to finally get the whole package going...


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