[Evolution] Re: mbox parsing

NotZed <notzed helixcode com> tapped some keys and produced:

I'll try and send the MBOX once I've tried a few things (it's huge) to make
sure it ain't my setup.

Ok.  You could just pick out the selected messages ...

But all in all, it hardly sounds like 'the mbox code parsing is
totally broken' as you seemed to suggest in your email.  And
yes, it is being actively worked on at the moment.

Let me guess, you are on Solaris?  Solaris's sendmail is broken,

Nope. Linux.

and it doesn't probably munge From within a message (see
how below your From line has > infront of it).  JAmie
Zawinksi (netwscape 3's mail author) wrote a big speil
about this, and I think for once I agree with him ...

A smart parser (most email progs have these) can easily read my
mailbox. (That's balsa, mutt, spruce, XCmail, pine, PostOffice, etc.)

Just do a few more checks on the from line, e.g. check the date is valid.
That will reduce the chance of bogus parsing to almost 0.

No, there is no such thing as a valid date in a From line.

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