Re: [Evolution] Return of the html killer?

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:36:57AM -0500, Michael Leone wrote:
Select a non-pixmap gtk theme and the problem should go away.

How can we determine which theme is a pixmap and which is not? They don't
usually say that info in the theme selection window, or am I just missing
it? Otherwise, choosing a theme that Evo won't barf on is a bit of

This also may not work in "large" environments.  For a preview release yes,
your geek beta testers (that'd be us) shouldn't mind terribly.... but when
evolution reaches 1.0 and you have companies (like mine) trying to install it
and get it running, to be told "it works great, just don't use it with
[condition 1], [condition 2] or [condition 3]".  

I've noticed a lot of "solutions" to problems for gtk/gnome stuff has been to
do with fonts and themes.... why is this?  I thought that fonts were embedded
into X and abstracted enough that the app only knows to draw font "X".  Ditto
for themes.  Why do themes and fonts cause problems like this with gnome apps?  



Arcterex <arcterex userfriendly org>   -==-
"I used to herd dairy cows. Now I herd lusers. Apart from the isolation, I
think I preferred the cows. They were better conversation, easier to milk, and
if they annoyed me enough, I could shoot them and eat them." -Rodger Donaldson

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