Re: [Evolution] Some Evo 0.8 questions and a problem

On 19 Dec 2000 06:33:25 -0800, Garrett Mickelson wrote:
to answer some of your questions:
2. I'm still waiting on this one too. Maybe there is some hidden key
stroke that does it.

Garrett Mickelson

On 18 Dec 2000 23:30:27 -0500, Mike Leone wrote:
2. Is there a key combination (or menu option) to skip to next unread
email, rather than scrolling down the entire list of emails in a folder?

Make sure you have the list with messages selected and hit "n".


Erik Bågfors               | Center for Parallel Computers    |
erik bagfors nu            | bagfors pdc kth se  
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 70 398 54 43 
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