[Evolution] 0.8 cannot initialize shell

Hi.  I apologize for posting a newbie question. I hope this isn't another 
previously-answered question, but I did check the FAQ and the list.

I'm running RH7.0 with a 2.4.0-test12 kernel and helix gnome installed 
about three days ago.  I just used the Helix gnome update to install 
Evolution (0.8) for the first time.

When I first start up, it prompts me to create configuration files (and 
seems to succed); it then produces the error in a popup window, "cannot 
initialize evolution shell" and then exits.  There is no output to 

Any idea what's wrong?  Or what I can do to figure out better?

Many thanks,


Tavis Barr                           ,-~~-.___.        
Senior Systems Coordinator          / |  '     \             
Institute for Social and Economic  (  )        0               
   Theory and Research              \_/-, ,----'            
509D Int'l Affairs Bldg                ====           //                    
Columbia University                   /  \-'~;    /~~~(O)
212-854-9076                         /  __/~|   /       |    
tavis mahler econ columbia edu     =(  _____| (_________|


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