[evolution-kolab-devel] Please use the general evolution-hackers list from now on

Hi everyone!

With the release of the 3.6 series of Evolution, a polished
and functionally enhanced evolution-kolab has been released.
The current stable version is 3.6.2, with a 3.6.3 release
planned (once Evolution sees its 3.6.3 release, for which no
specific date has been set yet, though).

With the 3.6 line of evolution-kolab being a true GNOME module
and moving from our initial development platform to GNOME.org
concluded, this mailing list will be closed for future postings.

Please refer to the general Evolution hackers mailing list [0]
or all matters concerning the development of evolution-kolab
from now on. That list is the right place to discuss about the
development of Evolution, E-D-S and all plugins (like evolution-kolab).
The Evolution core development team has indicated some time ago that
all concerns about Evolution development should be concentrated in
one place, since issues discussed for one module may be interesting
for other modules as well.

I'm therefore closing this list for new postings and invite
everyone to join the general Evolution developer list.

Thank you very much for your continued interest in

Kind regards,


[0] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-hackers/

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