Re: [evolution-kolab-devel] Tasks: 3. try

Hi Jens,

Am Dienstag 23 August 2011, um 15:28:57 schrieb Jens Getreu:
> Hello Christian,
> I do not think the problem is related to the data itself:

Seems so.
> First I created a new task-list with one task in horde3.
> Then I defined a remote task list in evolution.
> The task-module exits with an error message when 
> I click the completed check-box.
> You will find a screen-shot of the pop-up attached
> and a log-file.

The log file shows serious trouble with your Evolution frontend
("Gtk-CRITICAL **", "calendar-gui-CRITICAL **", ...). These errors
are almost certainly not triggered by evolution-kolab, since this
plugin lives inside EDS, not Evolution (this is why it makes no sense
to capture Evolution output when trying to troubleshoot evolution-kolab).
Seems your Evolution/GTK/...-Installation is pretty much hosed.
The whole frontend is in an undefined state after these critical warnings.
Evolution is not supposed to show any of them.

> I give up... 

Try disabling the "assistive technologies" as per [1]:

FYI for future people.

To disable accessibility, got to System->Preferences->Assistive

Uncheck the "enable assistive technologies" box.




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