Re: [Evolution-hackers] Address book merging

On Thu, 2015-02-19 at 12:49 -0300, Renato Araujo wrote:
I have a small backend[1] with only the constructor function 
implemented where I try to start a view from others sources to 
confirm the problem. Should I report a bug or I am doing something 
wrong on my code?
please do not top-post, and trim the reply as appropriate here. Thanks.

I briefly read your e-book-backend-aggregator.c and I do not see 
anything obviously odd there. The best step forward would be to 
install debuginfo package for evolution-data-server and reproduce the 
block of the e_book_client_view_start(), then get a backtrace of the 
running (currently blocked) evolution-addressbook-factory process, to 
see where it got stock and eventually figure out why. One way of 
getting the backtrace is for example with this command:
   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=PID &>bt.txt
where PID can be `pidof evolution-addressbook-factory`


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