[Evolution-hackers] Presumed bug in parsing attached files

Dear Evolution Hackers,

First of all thanks for developing this PIM-client, which really is my
working horse.

I assume I have found a bug, but I need somebody to verify, with more
in-depth knowledge.

I came across a set of e-mails in which an xml-file was attached, and
although it was recognised by Mailman (only for subscribers) and was
available in the sourcecode of the email (base64-encode), Evolution
3.12.9 in Evolution testing wasn't able to extract the attachment,
although it did mark the emails with an attachment-icon.

I've attached both e-mails as I received them as mbox-files.
I have the public key of the sender in my keyring, so Evolution did
confirm a valid signature.

If more info is needed, please ask me.

Kind regards,
Nico Rikken

Attachment: [Translators]__[NL]_event-20150121-02_[ready_to_proofread].mbox
Description: application/mbox

Attachment: [Translators]__[NL]_event-20150121-01_[ready_to_proofread].mbox
Description: application/mbox

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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