Re: [Evolution-hackers] Contacts database modifications history

On Wed, 2014-04-16 at 09:02 +0000, Potrola, MateuszX wrote:
First one is to create new address book backend (which will be
inhering from file backend used by Syncevolution) and add there logic
for calculating modifications when creating/modifying/removing
contacts. These modifications will be stored in additional database,
so some additional functions for handling this will need to be added
to EBookSqlite class.

Here are some pros and cons that I can see:


-       If someone don’t want to keep track of modifications history
he can still use file backend

-       We can be sure that contacts database and modifications
database will be in sync, by using attach function of sqlite
(databases will be separated but transaction for modifying both of
them will be treated as one transaction)

Does it have to be a separate sqlite database? You could also use a new table
directly in the sqlite datbase also used for the contact data.

No, it don't need to be separate sqlite database, but I was thinking
about case where database will be locked because some operation like
locale update is ongoing, with separate database modifications data
could be still concurrently accessed.

Doesn't sqlite allow reading while a write is ongoing?

Note that the EBookView could also be used as-is by doing the detailed check of
what was modified in the receiving process. For new contacts it is very likely that
the fields of interest were added, and updating contacts happens rarely enough
that the overhead of sending updated data that then completely gets filtered
out shouldn't matter.
I'm not sure about using EBookView as-is and checking what was
modified in receiving process, because notification will be sent when
data in contacts database will be already changed, so receiving
process should first get all contacts from database before starting
synchronization to be able to do detailed check of what was modified,
which in case of large number of contacts may unnecessarily increase
memory consumption, especially as you've said that updates happens

This is a valid concern. Both doing the diff inside the EDS backend (as
part of the write) or in SyncEvolution would work better.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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