Re: [Evolution-hackers] Junk filtering controls and logic are confusing

On Sat, 2013-11-23 at 15:44 -0600, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
I've cooked up a pair of not-yet-tested patches that address (1) by
moving the address book check before the header check and (3) by moving
the 'do we have a junk filter?' test to right before the junk filter is
actually moved.

Sounds good.  For (1) please add a comment to the junk_test() function
describing the rationale for the new ordering, for posterity.

      * Keep 'Check incoming messages for junk' as the top, top-level
        check box.  Have it enable/disable the following options, which
        are indented under it:
              * 'Skip junk detection if sender is in my address book'
                      * 'Lookup in local address book only'
              * 'Check custom headers for junk flags'
              * 'Use external junk filter' <drop-down> (invisible if no
                plugin available, junk filter config UI is subordinate
                to this checkbox)
      * 'Delete junk messages' as top-level sibling of 'Check…', at the
        bottom of the pane
      * Get rid of the 'Option is ignored…' notice

Sounds good on paper.  Maybe you could post a screen shot when you get
things reworked?

A word of warning about Glade, if you choose to use it, is to carefully
check over the changes it makes after saving because it loves to corrupt
our .ui files.  Glade eats any widget types in the .ui file it doesn't
understand and sometimes doesn't get along well with our one-letter 'E'
prefix, and silently omits anything it had trouble reading when saving
back to disk, thereby corrupting the file.

More often than not I have to manually audit the changes it makes with
"git add -p" before committing.

Matthew Barnes

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