[Evolution-hackers] camel/camel-folder-summary.c: Understanding `bdata_extract_digit ()`

Dear Evolution hackers,

analyzing crashes, I see that in `./camel/camel-folder-summary.c`

        count = bdata_extract_digit (&part)

sometimes seems to be negative, which seems unreasonable. I added
`g_assert (count < 0)` right after that and in at least one case I hit
that assert. Though this is not reproducible.

Now the question is, whether this is due to some memory corruption or a
programming error.

`bdata_extract_digit ()` was added in

        commit ceb906002ae20ffa8eb4d79407d8111b0aa0798d
        Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
        Date:   Thu Dec 9 13:56:19 2010 +0100

            Bug #573125 - Crashes right after startup when having broken db summary

and replaced the following macros.

        #define EXTRACT_FIRST_DIGIT(val) val=strtoul (part, &part, 10);
        #define EXTRACT_DIGIT(val) part++; val=strtoul (part, &part, 10);

Looking at the function it would be awesome if you could help me
understand it.

        bdata_extract_digit (/* const */ gchar **part)

First we check whether at least one of the pointers or the string are

	        if (!part || !*part || !**part)
		        return 0;

Now we check whether the first character of the string is a space and if
true we go to the next character.

	        if (**part == ' ')
		        *part += 1;

The next check checks again, if the string exists and should be
redundant to `if (!part)`.

	        if (!**part)
		        return 0;

Now `strtoul()` is used to convert the string to an unsigned long int.

	        return strtoul (*part, part, 10);

Could this cause problems because `count` is a normal integer and not an
unsigned integer?


Also I do not understand why we check for a space because according to
`man strtoul` spaces are skipped.



[1] http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-data-server/tree/camel/camel-folder-summary.c?id=ceb906002ae20ffa8eb4d79407d8111b0aa0798d#n4904

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