Re: [Evolution-hackers] UID in vCard

On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 08:41 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 21:06 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> > What about a CardDAV server? It has server-supplied IDs (the path to the
> > resource) and a UID as part of the vCard stored there? How is that
> > handled at the moment?
> 	Hi,
> there is no exact support for CardDAV as such, the closest is the WebDAV
> backend, and it generates its own UID too, and it also can download just
> added contact from the server. It use eTag value as a revision value.

hi Milan,

The WebDAV backend for the addressbook works fine against a CardDAV
server.  Unlike CalDAV where there are substantial differences between
WebDAV calendars and CalDAV, WebDAV for addressbooks is a compatible
subset of CardDAV.

andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com                            +64(272)DEBIAN
                   Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

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