Re: [Evolution-hackers] GTK+ requirements (was: Evo and Kolab2 - a fresh attempt)

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 17:57 +0530, chen wrote:
> AFAICS gtk+ minimum version has been bumped and we had some reasons for
> that which could not recollect atm. Matt should be able to provide more
> information there..

We have a policy of only requiring the latest -stable- platform so that
you can always build, for example, Evolution 2.31 on GNOME 2.30.

The GTK+ minimum requirement bumps as of late allow us to use new
accessor functions for sealed widget members.  We're in an awkward
situation right now where not only are -we- trying to prepare for GTK+
version 3, but so is GTK+ itself.  To that end, we're trying to keep up
with GTK+ developments as much as the above policy will allow.  

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