Re: [Evolution-hackers] [evolution-kolab] Datastructures for calendar data

Hi there,

On Wednesday 14 July 2010 Ross Burton wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 20:14 +0530, chen wrote:
> > > Though only subclass this if you can't handle the async nature of the
> > > ECalBackend API yourself.  Whether you subclass ECalBackend or
> > > ECalBackenSync is a choice made by how the backend will be implemented.
> > Is this used by any backends or will be used ? I was just having this
> > question while reading through the link.
> > ECalBackendSYnc  adds the notification to the clients for the sync calls
> > made by the clients through libecal, which anyways cant be ignored isn
> > it ? So usage of ECalBackend functions for sync calls such as,
> > e_cal_backend_create_object, get_object, get_object_list etc. just adds
> > extra work of notifying the clients using e_data_cal_notify*.
> > If the answer is, they are not used, better to mark them as deprecated
> > and cleanup this area. ECalBackend can then just be used for Async apis
> > like,
> > e_cal_backend_notify_object_(added, modified, removed) and future
> > free/busy async apis etc.
> But if your backend can make async calls (say you implement it using
> GIO) then you can drop the BackendSync layer and notify yourself.  One
> of my plans was to move the "each operation in a thread" logic into
> E*BackendSync because asynchronous backends obviously don't need to be
> in a thread.

Thanks for all input. This week, we should finish our initial planning phase 
and start implementing a few things. We'll have more time then to read code 
than it was the case before. I hope we'll have some spare time to organize all 
information into one document so it can serve as a reference. Most likely, it 
will be a copy&paste-thing gathering the answers we got here. I'll post a link 
once we have something ready.

Best regards,


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