[Evolution-hackers] Current issues with Evolution 2.12 / Exchange

Hi all;

This seemed useful to some people last time, so I'm doing it again now.  I've been using Evolution from SVN for a few months now tracking the latest changes and overall I've been REALLY happy: so many things are much better, especially with Exchange integration, than in 2.10 or any previous release.  Applause and cheers for everyone's hard work over the last 6 months!!

However, there are still some issues.  I hope now is a good time to point them out so maybe we can concentrate on these for 2.12.1 or 2.12.2.  Others might have a different list of issues, but these are mine (links to bugzilla entries).  I've updated the bugzilla entries with the latest info I have.

As I said, I'm building Evo and all components (libsoup, gtkhtml, e-d-s, evo, evo-exchange, evo-webcal) locally with debugging enabled and running them with full logging, each instance in its own directory.  I stand ready and willing to help anyone who wants to, to work on these issues!  I've tried to order them in order of precedence (how much I want them fixed), most pain to lesser pain.

478404: Composer stops completing addresses if you come back to the To: line
This one just seemed to pop up within the last month or so but it's REALLY annoying.  Hopefully it's a simple fix, because it really impacts me a lot.
478151: I lose the ability to see older messages in my Exchange inbox
This still happens sometimes.  The only way to solve it, once it happens, is to delete the ~/.evolution/exchange and ~/.evolution/mail/exchange folders (actually deleting one might be sufficient; I've never tried to see).  As described in the bug, I was given a patch back in August or so and I've been using that patch ever since.  The incidence of this seems to have gone down a bit, BUT it definitely still happens.
442098: Folder list shows I have new Exchange mail, but it doesn't appear in the summary
This one is really annoying, as it happens all the time.  In order to fix it, I have to restart Evolution.  It used to happen regularly if I visited my local inbox, then went back to the Exchange inbox.  Now it seems to be harder to trigger but still relatively common.  I think now that it happens when I visit my local Junk folder.
478090: Tried to create a meeting on the Exchange server, and Evo crashed when adding an address
This is a big one for me, because I need to schedule meetings through this mailing list.  Because of this problem I have to create my meetings through Exchange webmail rather than Evolution!  Luckily (in all senses of the word) I don't have to create meetings very often.
436615: Attendees are deleted from Exchange meetings
If I create a meeting and save it, then go back to edit it and click on the "Attendees" button to get the dialog for adding new attendees, then save that, all my previously existing attendees disappear.  This happens every time.  This is a really bad bug in that you lose data; however you can avoid it by not using the "Attendees" dialog but instead entering new attendees directly into the meeting list (with the "Add" button).
478439: Contact lookups for GAL never return
I think this has been around for a while but I never bothered to report it until now.  I don't run into this that much but it's a pain when I need to look up someone.
478090: Meeting acceptances for attendees who weren't listed are lost
This isn't a huge deal, but it's pretty annoying.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith gnu org>                 http://make.mad-scientist.us
 "Please remain calm--I may be mad, but I am a professional."--Mad Scientist

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