[Evolution-hackers] application integration standard proposal

Dear Evolution developers and community,

with several people I have designed a proposal for a standard to allow different communication programs on Linux to integrate a little more (from the end user perspective).

An example: "The end user is using a IM client, where the he's notified in the chat window that a new email arrived from the same person he's chatting to (even if the IM account is different from the email account). The user may right click this buddy in the IM client, and in the context menu it says you have unread mail from this person, and the context menu will allow you to email this user (open a compose window)"

The draft standard how to do this is at http://olivier.sessink.nl/publications/UCII/

In the end I would like to submit this to freedesktop.org, but I first would like to discuss the idea with the communities of the most well known open source communication programs, and improve it.

Can you give me some feedback on the idea, and if such a standard would be adopted by Evolution (if formalised by freedesktop.org).

kind regards,

    Olivier Sessink

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