[Evolution-hackers] The recent camel-lite improvements

I'm of course planning to get this stuff upstream. But I have to warn
the dreamers.

A lot of it is/was done as a hack. That's because I envision that
someday I actually will switch from using Camel to most likely fejj's

With Camel this was for the last feature, IDLE support, almost undoable
too. That's because I needed non-blocking read support from the
CamelStream types. That change went all the way through a lot Camel
layers to the camel-file-utils and the three TCP implementations (raw,
ssl and openssl).

In other words: a total new design is yet again needed. Eventually I
rather see libspruce fill in that gap, than Camel.

I have no idea if the Evolution team is interested in the features and
changes. But I hereby offer my help to bring them upstream.

But please note that I will not do it 'automatically' myself anymore.

The very simple reason is lack of interest. Whenever I posted a patch in
the past, it took months before somebody even touched the status of the
bug, commented on it or even took a look at it. This has nothing to do
with time anymore, as far as I can see (weeks, okay. But months?)

Which is absolutely not my problem, nor should I condemn that or
whatever nor am I trying to make a statement other than: well then, I'm
also not going to loose *my* time with that.

I guess that sounds fair, or doesn't it?

(I have to note, though, that fejj very recently commented on some of
the patches, for which I'm grateful and I have been taking into account
his comments and will improve the stuff he mentioned soon).

Although I *AM* actively going to help the person who will port this
stuff to Evolution's Camel. By that I mean that I *will* make time for
this person. A lot if necessary. Entire evenings of free time if I have

It's not so much about *time* itself, it's 100% about loosing it on
something that wont be acted upon anyway. Nobody enjoys that, I
certainly don't.

ps. I indeed also posted this comment to give the angry anti-fork people
of our great and knowledgeable community anti-flamewar food.

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