[Evolution-hackers] Question about creating new addressbooks and contacts.

Dear all,

I am in trouble with creating new address books and contacts. I want to
import contacts through a programme. I encountered the following problems:

1. The address books I created in the programme couldn't be deleted
2. After I reopened Evolution or rebooted the computer, some of the
address books could be deleted again sometimes
3. The contacts I added to my new address book didn't appear, instead,
it appeared in system address book sometimes

The unstable situation make me crazy. Please help! Thank you very much!!!

Cameron Wong

Here is the main codes:
if (bonobo_init(&argc, argv) == FALSE) printf("Could not initialize

// create a new addressbook
char *filename = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), target_path, NULL);
char *uri = g_filename_to_uri (filename, NULL, NULL);
EBook *newBook = e_book_new_from_uri(uri, NULL);
g_free (filename);
g_free (uri);

// add one contact
char *vcard =
"BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:test2\nN:;test2;;;\nX-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:test2\nEMAIL:test2 gd-linux com\nREV:2006-07-13T08:42:15Z\nEND:VCARD;\n";
EContact *contact = e_contact_new_from_vcard(vcard);

// add contact to newBook
GError *err = NULL;
if (!e_book_add_contact(newBook, contact, &err)) {
printf("e_book_add_contact fail\n");

// get address books
ESourceList *sources = NULL;
if (!e_book_get_addressbooks(&sources, &err)) {
printf("e_book_get_addressbooks error\n");

// get the local system group
ESourceGroup *group = e_source_list_peek_groups(sources)->data;

// add newBook source to source group
ESource *newBookSource = e_book_get_source(newBook);
if (!newBookSource) {
printf("e_book_get_source fail\n");
e_source_set_name(newBookSource, name);
e_source_set_group(newBookSource, group);
if (!e_source_group_add_source(group, newBookSource, -1)) {
printf("e_source_group_add_source newBook fail\n");

// commit update to system
if (!e_source_list_sync(sources, NULL)) {
printf("e_source_list_sync fail\n");

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