[Evolution-hackers] Adding documentation to Evolution's code

Hi all,

When I started working on Evolution, all I had was
http://www.go-evolution.org/index.php/Evolution_Architecture as a
reference document & lots & lots of code to read. It would have been
easier if the code was more documented.

With that in mind, I would like to add more documentation, comments
(with whatever knowledge I have) to the code.

This documentation can be like a header to functions like...

Use - describe the function in 2-3 lines
Input - input args
Output - return values

And it can be comments inside the function, describing what is happening & how.

If the comments can then be reviewed by an existing developer, i'm
sure, they'll serve as a solid head start to a new developer.

Let me know what is the best way of taking this forward...
- Do it through a bug ID per component (for the component I know)
- Keep the discussion to mailing list & ping the relevent developer
when my work is done
- Any other way...


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