[Evolution-hackers] GtkMozEdit 0.3 released

GtkMozEdit 0.3 released

GtkMozEdit is a C wrapper library for mozilla's gtkmozembed widget and
DOM interfaces. All interfaces are wrapped into gobjects which makes
gtkmozedit seamlessly accessible from gtk applications. Up to date
python bindings are included in the release tarball. As a whole
gtkmozedit now wraps 105 interfaces.

The most important changes are:

    * Mozilla's DOM CSS interfaces are now wrapped
    * The main widget has been renamed from GtkMozEdit to GmeHTMLView
    * Python bindings are split into packages, e.g. gtkmozedit.dom,

Download: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gtkmozedit/0.3/gtkmozedit-0.3.0.tar.gz
Bugs:          http://bugzilla.gnome.org/

Best regards,

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