Re: [Evolution-hackers] I am confused about CamelMessageInfoBase.message_id

On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 13:38 +0100, Jules Colding wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I populate this field? I can see in camel-nntp-utils.c:l196 that
> it is a strdup() of the "Message-ID" message header filed, but
> CamelSummaryMessageID is only 8 bytes big, so how can it fit in there?
> This can't be right, so I am certain that I am missing something in a
> really stupid and embarrassing way :-(
> Could someone please lift the clouds from my eyes?
The code segment you mentioned above, never gets compiled. Just ignore
CamelSummaryMessageID is always 8 bytes.


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