[Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Questions about evolutionfuture plan

On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 13:04 +0300, regatta wrote:
> > > 2- Is there any hacked version of evolution (one that some hackers
> > > patch it with many unreleased patches so users can test it and use it
> > > also)
> > 
> > The version in the HEAD branch on cvs.gnome.org
> > 
> > More information:
> > 
> >   http://www.go-evolution.org/Compiling_Evolution_from_CVS

> Will this one is not what I'm looking for, I can download the CVS
> version but I am asking if somebody (or people) is patching the
> evolution with some non proved patches and using them

There's no "secret" version of evolution (well, not as far as I know).
Everything "bleeding edge" and "new" is happening in cvs HEAD. 

You can find the pending patching in the evolution-patches mailinglist.

What version is being used by the developers is, of course, up to the
developer themselves. If they decide to pre-patch their checkout with a
specific patch (that isn't approved), then that's their own decision. I
don't think a lot developers do that (except the module maintainer of
the affected module) because once approved, it will generate a huge
conflict in their checkout.

Most of them (patches in evo-patches) who've in fact been approved (and
are committed to HEAD) have a reply where a module-maintainer approved
the differences.

So to get the most insanely unstable and bleeding edge stuff: just get
the version in cvs HEAD. It will be unstable enough for all developers
of this tiny world. If you're a developer, I assure you you'll like
it :-).

Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at pvanhoof dot be
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
work: philip dot vanhoof at cronos dot be
junk: philip dot vanhoof at gmail dot com

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