[Evolution-hackers] ical publishing progress

Hello All,

I got further this weekend and now it does actually publish the
calendars, ie it creates an .ics file at the requested location if
gnome-vfs is happy with the settings you gave to it, it worked OK with
ftp and local, no chance with ssh unless it is passwordless, I have the
same problem with nautilus though. and no chance with http, I am behind
a proxy at home though.

Can gnome-vfs do http PUT? It is not a big deal as SOUP does it and the
code is already there.

While working on my patch, I broke the Free/Busy publishing code, I need
to fix that.

Still a few questions about the "query" for e_cal_get_object_list()
- does "#t" get EVERYTHING (ie events, alarms and todos)?
- how to get only the events or only the alarms...?

How does one check if Evolution is online?

Thanks for your help indeed,

Stéphane Konstantaropoulos <stephane cs york ac uk>
Computer Science, University of York

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