Re: [Evolution-hackers] Camel.Folder: Can existing remote messages be modified?

Yes, they can be modified. 
And any modified messageinfos need to be populated in the 'changed uid'
part of the changeinfo structure before a folder_changed info is called.

On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 12:44 +0100, Jules Colding wrote:
> Hi,
> Reading the wiki I noticed:
> "Messages can only be appended to the mailbox, and cannot be altered
> once they are created, without appending a new message and deleting the
> old one."
> Does this literally mean that it is impossible to modify an existing
> Camel.MessageInfo if a corresponding remote message is changed?
> A relevant use case is draft messages that are temporarily stored in an
> incomplete state and subsequently changed before being committed to the
> transport mechanism.
> What prevents me from altering the content of a Camel.MessageInfo
> instance (say, the subject) and "touch" the folder summary to make the
> change be saved to disk?
> Thanks,
>   jules
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