[Evolution-hackers] Re: Proposal for a Desktop Neutral Crypto API

Nielsen wrote:

I've drafted a proposal for a DBUS encryption API. It's meant to be desktop neutral, and encryption system neutral (ie: OpenPGP vs. S/MIME).

I asume the sockets for XEmbed are optional? If not given, the implementation open it's own window? Think the standard shuld state that explicidly. As I understand, the calling program need not nesecarly even be an X-app?

I would like an implementation that have an alternative interface to provide user interaction thru an console. But the standard should probably not mandate it. But i like if the standard provided a way for apps runing on an tty to *sugest* to the server to use the tty for user interaction.

I like the server aproch, it open for a posability to store the keys nonreadable and alterable by the user. Making things a bit harder for malicius code to do a set of evil things.

Also opens a possability for the 'system' to garanty some info conected to the keys are suplied by the user him/herself. Stuff like 'taggs', nicnames suplied by the user that is showen prominently in any comunication using that key, and possably some 'styling' - say a background style fore tolbars, statusline, etc that the user can set for a key. So it is obvius in the gui when the user is comunicating whith say 'the bank'. It's lika an fealing of 'being' in the bank. Make any atempt to fool the user look akvard, however clever done.

But that would mean all public crypto needing app You use *have* to use this api, but it is still a futur option to hope for :-)


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