Re: [Evolution-hackers] Marcus Bains Line in calendar

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 16:29 -0500, Thouis (Ray) Jones wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:45:28 +0100, Rodney Dawes <dobey novell com> wrote:
> > I think keeping the line always is a sound default, though it would be
> > better if the line were less intrusive. My suggestion would be to not
> > draw the line in the time area, and to use bg[PRELIGHT] for the line
> > that gets drawn through the day views.
> I like having both lines, because it allows me to find the day-view
> line without knowing what day it is.  If the day-view line were the
> only one, I'd definitely want the color to be configurable, as my
> personal preference is that it stand out.
> If  whether to show the line is controlled by a hidden gconf key, the
> two lines could be enabled separately.  Someone editing the key
> directly isn't likely to be bothered by the extra option.  Going down
> that path a bit further, perhaps the colors of the line(s) should be
> hidden keys with reasonable defaults.

I don't think its necessary to separately enable the lines.  I also
agree that the line being at least somewhat intrusive is the point so
you can see relative quickly at a glance without have to pointedly scan
for the line.

> > I also agree with the comments that Michael Zucchi made regarding the
> > patch, if they have not been resolved.
> I've changed the key from an int to a boolean.  As for adding a schema
> entry, I assume that is just a change to
>  (I'm a gnome neophyte.  I'm
> mostly just scratching an itch with this.)

Yes, thats the correct spot.

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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